Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Dinner with Sam

Tonight, I met my friend Sam, who is in my tutor group back at Warwick, and his friend Olivia, who has just graduated from Uni, for dinner. Sam is out here working with God First, a religious group at Wits University that is trying to take religion in South Africa back to it's key morals and making it into an issue of belief rather than the corruption that goes on in a lot of churches out here. Pastors demanding money to bring people closer to God is extremely widespread, and there is a huge church in Orlando where a priest likes to use sex to exorcise demons from young women... mull over that one for a moment.

On Sunday, I'm going to go to a church service (I think, the description was a little bizarre, but I'll make sure to post all about it after I've been) to see what it is Sam has been working out here. Apparently newcomers get cake, so it should be good!

In general, seeing Sam, and meeting Olivia, was a really lovely break. It's great to see a familiar face and have a moment away from all the teaching and lesson planning for a night. I'm afraid our stories about nightmare teaching experiences might have put Sam off teaching though.

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